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Job Seekers: Think Like a Recruiter – Part 4

The last installment of “Think Like a Recruiter” addressed self assessment as a “must have” in preparation for the job search. Once you know who you are and how to present the image of yourself that recruiters want to see, it is time to commit this to writing for the purpose of circulating a written tool to get you in the door. There are new theories which suggest that the traditional resume is becoming obsolete,… Read More »Job Seekers: Think Like a Recruiter – Part 4

Memorial Day

“The soldier, above all other people, prays for peace, for he must suffer and bear the deepest wounds and scars of war.” – Douglas MacArthur A paradox in the history of human thought is that peace is worth fighting for. The very irony of that sentence is rarely discussed. Most religions of the world teach that killing another human being is wrong, but the number of wars fought over religion is astounding. Our laws prohibit… Read More »Memorial Day

Job Seekers: Think Like a Recruiter – Part 3

In the first two installments of “Think Like a Recruiter” there was a consistent theme which is a clue as to how the job search should begin. This may be a good place to pause and mention that there is a wide variety of thought on how to best perform a job search. The progression of these articles is not intended to provide “the” answer to such a complex process, but to refocus the search… Read More »Job Seekers: Think Like a Recruiter – Part 3

The Four Pillars of Recruiting

The knee-jerk reaction to describing essential elements of a function is to think of the columns holding up some massive structure. This is understood to be a symbol of strength. A very supportive person is known as a “pillar of strength.” While somewhat overused by business to show the strength of ideas, it also has the ability to show how complicated situations can be simplified into a few basic support structures. Recruiting is a perfect… Read More »The Four Pillars of Recruiting

Recruiting Innovation

If you Google the words “recruiting innovation” this morning you will probably find a dozen or more blog posts about the Recruiting Innovation Summit yesterday conducted by and hosted by LinkedIn at their headquarters in Mountain View, CA. When I began blogging again, I promised that I would avoid becoming a “me too” blogger and only publish stuff that came out of my own head, but there is one condition which I failed to… Read More »Recruiting Innovation