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Personal Branding May Not Be What You Think It Is

People are making a career out of that personal branding bandwagon that may have seen better days. There are multiple examples of selling the idea and products associated with personal branding. We have massaged and smithed this buzzword of years ago when somebody first put those words together until we now have a confusing array of ideas about its definition. We will probably debate the myths and mysteries that surround this topic until people get… Read More »Personal Branding May Not Be What You Think It Is

Talent Selection – Part 3: Interviewing Adaptability

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When confronted with issues of flaws in the candidate experience, I have actually heard interviewers speak the words, “I am just following policy.” That is possibly someone looking for a scapegoat to blame for their actions. The psychological term is called “The Nuremberg Defense” which came from the trials of Nazi war criminals for atrocities following WWII, “I was only following orders.” This is sometimes called the Eichmann defense who stated, “I cannot recognize the… Read More »Talent Selection – Part 3: Interviewing Adaptability

Talent Selection – Part 1: Interviewing Crosscheck

“Flight attendants, prepare for arrival and crosscheck.” I have heard that over the aircraft cabin PA systems for years and thought that it had something to do with counting people. I remember eons ago on school outings teachers would walk down the aisle of the school bus and count heads to make sure the number of heads that got back on the bus was the same number of heads that got off. On a recent… Read More »Talent Selection – Part 1: Interviewing Crosscheck

Job Search Reality Check (Part 5 of 5) – Truly See Yourself

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As the old saying goes, advice is cheap. When we are on an unknown path, and there are no clear direction signs, we look to one of two types of people to help out: Those who have walked this path before and those at the end who know what lies ahead. Unfortunately, the logic behind this is flawed. The previous path walkers can only tell you the obstacles that they encountered and cannot possibly predict… Read More »Job Search Reality Check (Part 5 of 5) – Truly See Yourself

Job Search Reality Check (Part 4 of 5) – Strategic vs. Tactical

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The biggest mistake made by a job seeker is to begin without planning their search. Jumping into action without a plan is counting on luck rather than skill. In reality, there is no such thing as luck. A quote sometimes attributed to Benjamin Franklin and used by many more recent management theorists goes like this: “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” Regardless of the origin of this modern catchphrase, there is a… Read More »Job Search Reality Check (Part 4 of 5) – Strategic vs. Tactical