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Human Resources

Awareness of Time Usage and Personal Decision Making

There are two truisms not usually put together that seem to make perfect sense when accidental usage brings them together. Peter Drucker’s quote, “Time is the scarcest resource and unless it is managed nothing else can be managed,” is one of them. The second Druckerism is, “What gets measured gets managed.” These conjoined ideas result in several misquotes that are nevertheless true, one of which is, “If it’s worth doing, it’s worth measuring.” The focus… Read More »Awareness of Time Usage and Personal Decision Making

The Burn-out Culture of Too Muchism

Hardly any human being is capable of pursuing two professions or two arts rightly. – Plato Plato probably intended his comments regarding multitasking to be instructive to his followers. We can assume that the point of this lesson was to correct what he saw as an error in thinking on their part. We haven’t learned very much in 2,400 years. Modern society has not only ignored this lesson, it has generally embraced the concept of… Read More »The Burn-out Culture of Too Muchism

Go Forth and Spam No More

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The debate rages on at conferences, meetings, online media, and in just plain gossip. Why does everyone say they hate spam and then engage in the same practices they deplore? This is especially puzzling when the spaminator is a recruiter who is not only supposed to know better but also needs to woo a target audience, not turn them off. Is it the fault of the individual generating the spam or the people that encourage… Read More »Go Forth and Spam No More

The Pervasive Post and Pray Pathology

The corruption of our thinking began with learning things that we are unwilling to unlearn. Beginning with inventing the wheel and discovering fire, we eventually came to worship better technological advances. Often we found that automation alone was not the answer, but we failed to understand why. Nobody who is a recruiter today would consider spending time by only placing ads in a newspaper and then watching the daily mail or a fax machine for… Read More »The Pervasive Post and Pray Pathology

Reviewing This Week on Make HR Happen – Ethics: Week 2

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Week 1 of the series on Ethics was basically editing previous articles and adapting them for the series. This week was not just more of the same, even though there were five (or more) posts that were the foundation for the new week. This time editing involved matching those items previously addressed with current research on the topic to give an updated perspective. In fact I was shocked at how much of a thread about… Read More »Reviewing This Week on Make HR Happen – Ethics: Week 2