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The Burn-out Culture of Too Muchism

Hardly any human being is capable of pursuing two professions or two arts rightly. – Plato Plato probably intended his comments regarding multitasking to be instructive to his followers. We can assume that the point of this lesson was to correct what he saw as an error in thinking on their part. We haven’t learned very much in 2,400 years. Modern society has not only ignored this lesson, it has generally embraced the concept of… Read More »The Burn-out Culture of Too Muchism

Holes in Your Underwear (and Other Little Secrets)

We have all done it. That last pair of underwear in the drawers drawer is not something you would be proud to have others see you wearing. Your mother always told you not to leave home without pristine underwear in case of an accident. If there is no horrible occurrence to expose your nether regions to the world, who will know? You will, of course! Does it matter? A superstitious mind will give unscientific believability… Read More »Holes in Your Underwear (and Other Little Secrets)

Safety Nets and Backup Plans

Intelligent decision making requires the use of all weapons in our arsenal. Careless decision making is far easier. Except for a situation that is of so little importance that anything works, or is so simple nothing fails, the route to a less than a stupid decision must always follow a critical path to a goal. You can’t fix stupid, so where do you go next? A successful outcome comes from a carefully chosen sticky methodology… Read More »Safety Nets and Backup Plans

Life and Career Analogs

In a recent impromptu interview with award winning movie writer/director Edward Lyons, a story I hope he will someday allow me to record and promote, something clicked in my brain. My career in talent acquisition in a corporate world is not so different from his. Even though he could have been a great actor or teacher of actors, he has a calling to lead talented people through his craft from the other side of the… Read More »Life and Career Analogs

The Worst Advice Ever: Be Authentic

  It is possible to wear out a good thing by overusing it. Tap someone once with a finger and you get their attention. do it repeatedly and you make a bruise. The same is true with using words until they become so stale that they induce nausea. Listen to the advice given to someone looking for a job in a tough market and you will undoubtedly hear the advice to be authentic. The problem… Read More »The Worst Advice Ever: Be Authentic