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Safety Nets and Backup Plans

Intelligent decision making requires the use of all weapons in our arsenal. Careless decision making is far easier. Except for a situation that is of so little importance that anything works, or is so simple nothing fails, the route to a less than a stupid decision must always follow a critical path to a goal. You can’t fix stupid, so where do you go next? A successful outcome comes from a carefully chosen sticky methodology… Read More »Safety Nets and Backup Plans

The Worst Advice Ever: Be Authentic

  It is possible to wear out a good thing by overusing it. Tap someone once with a finger and you get their attention. do it repeatedly and you make a bruise. The same is true with using words until they become so stale that they induce nausea. Listen to the advice given to someone looking for a job in a tough market and you will undoubtedly hear the advice to be authentic. The problem… Read More »The Worst Advice Ever: Be Authentic

Technology and Respect for Its Roots

One of my favorite pieces of art is Winston Link’s photograph “Old Maude bows to the Virginia Creeper” in which an old horse seems to be giving deference to the approach of new technology. Gene and Roy Hampton just happened to be at the crossing with a sledge of wood destined for their nearby farm when Link asked them to wait for a photo of them with the approaching train. Maude was described as being… Read More »Technology and Respect for Its Roots

The Pervasive Post and Pray Pathology

The corruption of our thinking began with learning things that we are unwilling to unlearn. Beginning with inventing the wheel and discovering fire, we eventually came to worship better technological advances. Often we found that automation alone was not the answer, but we failed to understand why. Nobody who is a recruiter today would consider spending time by only placing ads in a newspaper and then watching the daily mail or a fax machine for… Read More »The Pervasive Post and Pray Pathology

How to Engage and Learn From Twitter Chats

Have you ever wanted to get a glimpse at “the making of” a job search chat on Twitter? The decision that we made (a little bit me and a lot of Steve Levy and Cyndy Trivella) to move Open Mic Career Chat (#OMCchat) to Friday at Noon happened because we had good metrics on that time slot for a chat and because it seemed that the regular followers on Thursday evenings were never able to… Read More »How to Engage and Learn From Twitter Chats