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How To Write Your Resume And Why You Do It That Way

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First of all, there is no standard format for a resume. If you paid for a book of 1001 resume samples you may find one that you can clone to produce a halfway decent looking document, but remember that you and a few thousand other people own that book. If plagiarizing someone else’s resume is the best that you can do, then you may expect to be lumped with the other copycats in the discard… Read More »How To Write Your Resume And Why You Do It That Way

Why the Resume is Not Dead and Why You Still Need One

There is an abundance of free advice for job seekers online and a significant amount of it is pure crap. Crowdsourcing for best answers requires a high degree of fine tuning the crap filters to get rid of the outliers of reality. In order to be bold and daring many futuristic thinking individuals have created a new fiction about the resume. This is not all bad because science fiction often becomes fact and appreciating the… Read More »Why the Resume is Not Dead and Why You Still Need One

Reviewing This Week on Make HR Happen – Thinking Outside of the Network

Making a stab at covering all aspects of networking led to a five part series on the topic. Although each article was banging on the gate to be let out into the wild, I tamed them into showing up on five consecutive days… not an easy task. Did I miss anything? My network will probably let me know. I also hope that I unintentionally stole ideas from other people because that proves the point that… Read More »Reviewing This Week on Make HR Happen – Thinking Outside of the Network

Slaying Your Dragons in 10 Easy Steps: A Job Search Tutorial

Our images of dragons have two possible sources: Mythology or an actual incident that by the game of gossip has been exaggerated into the fire breathing monsters we see in movies. Contributors to Wikipedia give several possible sources of the story of Saint George and the Dragon. Looking for a logical explanation for the legend other than pure entertainment of the masses, the story from Wormingford in Essex, England sounds the most plausible. “A dragon,… Read More »Slaying Your Dragons in 10 Easy Steps: A Job Search Tutorial

Job Search: Pointing the Finger of Blame

Something is wrong with the traditional job search process. Something is broken. We hear “good” news reports that “only” 330,000 new people applied for unemployment benefits in the United States last week, but considering that the number of initial claims is still that high is staggering. Maybe the headlines would not be seen to be so encouraging if taken in the context of the lives being touched. That number is more than the population of… Read More »Job Search: Pointing the Finger of Blame