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Problem Solving

Job Seekers: You Need a Pilot for Your Ship

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The concept of a maritime pilot is said to be as old as the sea itself. In ancient Greece, local fishermen would be hired to bring foreign ships safely into port. Modern day pilots serve to facilitate a global shipping trade where local laws and navigation rules could possibly overwhelm a ship’s captain and crew. Instead of risking shipwreck or disaster, they rely on pilot ships to guide them to harbor or actually allow a… Read More »Job Seekers: You Need a Pilot for Your Ship

Artificial Motivation

It is the season to seek justification for our actions even when it is purely emotional rather than logical. We were urged by major box stores that if we didn’t shop on Black Friday then we would lose out on all of the best prices for holiday shopping. Hidden away was that whisper of truth that the hottest shopping days are actually the ten days preceding Christmas when the best deals not only reappear they… Read More »Artificial Motivation

You Don’t Know Anything (and Neither Do I)

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“The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.” ~ Socrates Scholars are fairly certain that Socrates never actually wrote anything. Most of the philosophical marvels we take to be Socratic wisdom were penned by his follower Plato who was 40 years younger than the aging philosopher. My how times have changed! Generational differences in 400 BC Greece apparently did not preclude students from respecting their elders. Learning at the feet of the masters… Read More »You Don’t Know Anything (and Neither Do I)

Music Resources Is Human Resources

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My life has always been musical in some way or another. I successfully completed my development in utero without benefit of the current trend of playing classical music to the unborn, but somehow there was some sort of cosmic influence that compelled me to bang on pots and pans and sing from an early age. Neither of my parents were musicians, so if my interests and talents came from them it was a recessive gene.… Read More »Music Resources Is Human Resources

Job Seekers: Do You Want It All (or Just a Job)?

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Sometimes a parent gets a gratifying clue that the lessons cast before the kids was actually heard and understood. It’s hard to understand why my always sage advice would not instantly sink in, but that is the way it is. My parents would call it payback…I never listened to them either. Several years ago in answering my son’s perceptive “What’s going on Dad?” question I somehow blurted out that I had a career decision to… Read More »Job Seekers: Do You Want It All (or Just a Job)?


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