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Job Seekers: Think Like a Recruiter – Part 2

Last week in Think Like a Recruiter – Part 1 I began talking to job seekers about a method of conducting the search for a new position using the concept that it is like recruiting in reverse. Adopting the mindset of the hunter does not necessarily give the advantage to the hunted, but failing to recognize how this process works is flying blind. The relationship between the candidate for a job and those looking for… Read More »Job Seekers: Think Like a Recruiter – Part 2

Made-up Rules: Mindless or Meaningful

My mother had a set of unwritten rules which my sister and I learned to respect and never question. One such rule was not to slam the screen door. “Tommy, you go outside and come back in again without slamming the door this time!” There was no defense. It made no difference that my father had installed a spring powerful enough to launch that door into space. The ultimate control over the slamming door was the… Read More »Made-up Rules: Mindless or Meaningful

Job Seekers: Think Like a Recruiter – Part 1

Last week I wrote an article telling recruiters why they should think like a candidate. If you didn’t read that one because it didn’t seem to apply to you, just consider the premise I introduced there before moving on: The goal to making communications become more effective is for the conversation to evolve into an Adult to Adult dialog with neither party taking a superior role. On that basis it is safe to say that… Read More »Job Seekers: Think Like a Recruiter – Part 1

The Mother’s Day Paradox

Did you ever notice that the official spelling of this commemorative holiday is the singular possessive “Mother’s Day” and not the plural “Mothers’ Day” as it is usually celebrated? When you hear proclamations that we are participating in a day celebrating motherhood, please join me in a resounding chorus of “Nope! It’s all about MY mother!” Researching the topic online didn’t have to go any further than Wikipedia to learn that although it is celebrated… Read More »The Mother’s Day Paradox

When the Experts Disagree

My father and his brother had a disagreement which began from my earliest recollection as a child and continued throughout their lives. They were as close as brothers living in two different cities could be, but when they got together this topic always came up: Which is better, a Ford or a Chevrolet? They had other differences: Dad was an under-the-hood kind of guy and I remember that my uncle adorned his car with gadgets.… Read More »When the Experts Disagree