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Awareness of Time Usage and Personal Decision Making

There are two truisms not usually put together that seem to make perfect sense when accidental usage brings them together. Peter Drucker’s quote, “Time is the scarcest resource and unless it is managed nothing else can be managed,” is one of them. The second Druckerism is, “What gets measured gets managed.” These conjoined ideas result in several misquotes that are nevertheless true, one of which is, “If it’s worth doing, it’s worth measuring.” The focus… Read More »Awareness of Time Usage and Personal Decision Making

The Burn-out Culture of Too Muchism

Hardly any human being is capable of pursuing two professions or two arts rightly. – Plato Plato probably intended his comments regarding multitasking to be instructive to his followers. We can assume that the point of this lesson was to correct what he saw as an error in thinking on their part. We haven’t learned very much in 2,400 years. Modern society has not only ignored this lesson, it has generally embraced the concept of… Read More »The Burn-out Culture of Too Muchism

Holes in Your Underwear (and Other Little Secrets)

We have all done it. That last pair of underwear in the drawers drawer is not something you would be proud to have others see you wearing. Your mother always told you not to leave home without pristine underwear in case of an accident. If there is no horrible occurrence to expose your nether regions to the world, who will know? You will, of course! Does it matter? A superstitious mind will give unscientific believability… Read More »Holes in Your Underwear (and Other Little Secrets)

Wanted – Team Player

What does being a team player in a business environment mean? It’s probably easier to describe the characteristics of a non-team player. In 1964, Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart wrote about a decision on pornography by saying that he couldn’t define it, but “I know it when I see it.” Thus was born a new colloquialism that many hiring managers apply to the characteristics of the ideal candidate for a job. It’s frustrating for sourcers… Read More »Wanted – Team Player

Good Enough Is Not Enough

We are at war. Mediocrity is winning so far. I went shopping for shoes in one of those stores that advertise designer shoes at discount prices. I asked a mature looking woman wearing a store ID badge what happened to all the Brannock devices they used to have in every aisle. Blank stare… an unusual reaction for someone managing a shoe store. That may not be a common word to many people, but it’s like… Read More »Good Enough Is Not Enough