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Another Presumptuous Bit of Unsolicited Advice to SHRM

Last week Gerry Crispin penned a blog post Advice to SHRM: Drop Barriers between members and non-members. He mentioned that it was a bit presumptuous to offer anyone public advice, but he also openly wondered about crowdsourcing advice to SHRM. As I was preparing a comment on his article two things became apparent: First of all, my reply was becoming almost as long as his entire post, and in addition I began to dangerously push… Read More »Another Presumptuous Bit of Unsolicited Advice to SHRM

From the Archives of Make HR Happen – Never Ending Talk About Generations

A pet peeve of mine is to hear so-called experts about various generations rant about age discrimination while perpetuating the myths of generational differences through their arguments. I probably take it too personally when people talk about the “old guys” from my generational cohort, but I have learned to exercise restraint in lashing out at the offenders… a reaction that would defeat the purpose of calling for open dialog. Perhaps the word Boomer actually comes… Read More »From the Archives of Make HR Happen – Never Ending Talk About Generations

Mentoring – Probably Not What You Think It Is

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As is true with a number of words thrown around in HR-speak, the word “mentor” has any number of connotations depending on the frame of reference. It is also one of those words that can be a noun when it refers to the person doing it and a verb when it describes what the person is doing. To get down to the basic definition before going to other meanings, the word was originally age and… Read More »Mentoring – Probably Not What You Think It Is

It’s Your Turn to Volunteer

There is a debate raging in many of our nation’s high schools about requiring mandatory service projects for seniors. It seems that kids who are forced to “volunteer” for something outside of their sphere of interest are not likely to ever volunteer to do it again. Regardless of the good intentions of educators who in good faith place hands-on work experience within the reach of our youth, mandatory volunteerism is not likely to create a… Read More »It’s Your Turn to Volunteer

Blog Soup – From the Archives of Make HR Happen v.12

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          This is a re-posting of five previous articles from Make HR Happen by Tom Bolt.           Give Candidates Better Experience, Not Bill of Rights - There is nowhere a more emphatic symbol of a corporate policy than the three-ton rock at the entrance to each Stew Leonard’s store in Connecticut and New York. On it is inscribed: “Rule 1: The customer is always right. Rule 2: If… Read More »Blog Soup – From the Archives of Make HR Happen v.12