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Holes in Your Underwear (and Other Little Secrets)

We have all done it. That last pair of underwear in the drawers drawer is not something you would be proud to have others see you wearing. Your mother always told you not to leave home without pristine underwear in case of an accident. If there is no horrible occurrence to expose your nether regions to the world, who will know? You will, of course! Does it matter? A superstitious mind will give unscientific believability… Read More »Holes in Your Underwear (and Other Little Secrets)

Life and Career Analogs

In a recent impromptu interview with award winning movie writer/director Edward Lyons, a story I hope he will someday allow me to record and promote, something clicked in my brain. My career in talent acquisition in a corporate world is not so different from his. Even though he could have been a great actor or teacher of actors, he has a calling to lead talented people through his craft from the other side of the… Read More »Life and Career Analogs

Talent Selection – Part 5: The Interviewing Paradigm

Not all interviewing methodologies are broken. If you subscribe to the theory that “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it!” then you won’t have to worry about change until repeated problems force you to look deeper. The lack of apparent problems by current measuring standards could mean nothing is wrong. Conversely, it could be a sign that we are using the wrong benchmark to measure it. The biggest problem with today’s patchwork methods of interviewing… Read More »Talent Selection – Part 5: The Interviewing Paradigm

Talent Selection – Part 4: Interviewing Tradeoffs

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Anyone with more than a few minutes of experience working in a corporate staffing office knows that certain things are not negotiable. I once worked at a start-up that was a spinoff from a large corporation with a lot of inherited baggage in the form of policies and procedures from the parent company. We had to change everything that didn’t fit. An example of a non-negotiable item when hiring new employees was vacation time. Many… Read More »Talent Selection – Part 4: Interviewing Tradeoffs

Talent Selection – Part 3: Interviewing Adaptability

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When confronted with issues of flaws in the candidate experience, I have actually heard interviewers speak the words, “I am just following policy.” That is possibly someone looking for a scapegoat to blame for their actions. The psychological term is called “The Nuremberg Defense” which came from the trials of Nazi war criminals for atrocities following WWII, “I was only following orders.” This is sometimes called the Eichmann defense who stated, “I cannot recognize the… Read More »Talent Selection – Part 3: Interviewing Adaptability