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HR and Made-up Rules

Here is the rule for making a sandwich with Swiss cheese: There is a two-slice minimum. The second slice must be rotated into such a position that there is no exposed gap from a hole beneath it in another layer. To do otherwise would degrade the flavor experience of enjoying the taste of Swiss cheese with every bite and adversely impact the quality of the sandwich-eating experience. Ridiculous? I have written before about my low… Read More »HR and Made-up Rules

Managing Time As A Precious Resource

The new definition of irony is someone who has taught a time management course but has trouble maintaining their own calendar. Look that up in your dictionary and you will see a picture of me! I was guilty of no original thinking in conducting this training as it was a canned course my company purchased with the rights to reproduce the workbooks, slides and videos. It was actually a pretty good revelation of time wasters… Read More »Managing Time As A Precious Resource

Horrible Bosses In The Movie and Real Life

The media hype about the new release in theaters this week kept teasing us that “Horrible Bosses” was going to be a funny adaptation of three guys all trapped in jobs with truly evil bosses. Newspaper coverage promoted it as a good time movie in spite of the fact that in most real life situations people usually don’t plan to kill their bad bosses. Early reviews were good. I saw an interview with Jennifer Anniston… Read More »Horrible Bosses In The Movie and Real Life


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