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Who Needs Social Media?

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Before you answer that question too quickly with your typical knee-jerk reaction, think about how you formed that opinion. Is it based on facts or are you blindly following suggestions planted by faux experts of the online realm. Do we accept it as a true need because of our incessant need to feed our personal addiction or deny its importance because of some subconscious aversion to technological change? Like most tools its use is situational.… Read More »Who Needs Social Media?

How to Engage and Learn From Twitter Chats

Have you ever wanted to get a glimpse at “the making of” a job search chat on Twitter? The decision that we made (a little bit me and a lot of Steve Levy and Cyndy Trivella) to move Open Mic Career Chat (#OMCchat) to Friday at Noon happened because we had good metrics on that time slot for a chat and because it seemed that the regular followers on Thursday evenings were never able to… Read More »How to Engage and Learn From Twitter Chats

The Tangled Dynamics of Twitter Chat Advice

I am a regular on Twitter chat events and have been a participant, moderator and guest host on many of them. My latest endeavor is through a partnership with two scions of the Twittersphere, Cyndy Trivella (@CyndyTrivella) and Steve Levy (@LevyRecruits) in the Open Mic Career Chat (#OMCchat). Our objective in hosting this weekly chat… at Noon Eastern Time on Fridays… is to take the job search chat experience to a new level. Without presuming… Read More »The Tangled Dynamics of Twitter Chat Advice

Prehistoric Job Searching

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Considering what we hypothesized about Recruiting Caveman Style, the Paleolithic Era humans looking for a way out of the dangers of hunting and the boredom of farming probably began thinking about the best way to better themselves. Although it may be hard for today’s job seekers to think about doing a job search without the aid of technological crutches, there was a time [between 10,000 years ago and yesterday] when listening and thinking ruled our… Read More »Prehistoric Job Searching

Danger of the Fringe

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The dark-side fringe people never live in the shadows where nobody can see them. Instead, they are not only visible, but generally advertise their presence very noisily. They are hard to miss, but their hidden agenda is usually cloaked in subversive messages. This may not really be malicious behavior, but instead comes from an unnatural desire to propagandize their message even though it may not be a well thought out idea. Because we live in… Read More »Danger of the Fringe