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Reviewing This Week on Make HR Happen – Recruiting Fables

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My sister coined a new term for an event we have all done when caught unprepared for cooking a meal for hungry kids. She would cook breakfast for dinner and called it Silly Supper… her two sons loved it and begged or it. So after a week of vacation and another week of limited work activity due to house guests I was totally unprepared for making blog posts this week. The result? Silly blogs. Nothing… Read More »Reviewing This Week on Make HR Happen – Recruiting Fables

Recruiting Fables – The Ugly Candidate

Once upon a time there was a man who had everything a man could want. He had worked at the same remote branch of a major corporation for thirteen years and lived the classic dream. This was his first job out of college and he started at the bottom in IT and had worked his way up to a management role. He was respected by his team, admired by upper management, and valued by peers.… Read More »Recruiting Fables – The Ugly Candidate

How To Use Your Resume and When To Do It

Nobody ever reads the instruction manual, but resumes don’t come with details anyway. Instructions on how to use a resume would almost seem to be unnecessary, but there are some very wrong things that people do with them. Underexposure is one culprit. The best resume in the world will not be of any help if it never gets seen. The biggest offense is usually overexposure. This happens when the job search turns into a game… Read More »How To Use Your Resume and When To Do It

Reviewing This Week on Make HR Happen – A Blogging Smorgasbord

When I orchestrate a theme week and publish a series of related blogs, it is easy to summarize in a weekend update. This week has been full of distractions and it shows. On the professional side there have been a number of developments that are promising and others that are disappointing. On the personal side, things are also mixed. One online friend was finally successful in her job search and I was thrilled. Another close… Read More »Reviewing This Week on Make HR Happen – A Blogging Smorgasbord

Covering Cover Letters and Five Things They Say

There is so much conflicting information on the topic of cover letters that it is proof positive of the theory that it is common for experts to disagree on just about everything. If you talk to a career counselor or job coach you will no doubt be told that it can make or break your application. The operative word in that sentence is “can” and the idea that this is a deal killer is somewhat… Read More »Covering Cover Letters and Five Things They Say


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