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Reviewing This Week on Make HR Happen – From the Inspirational To the Practical

I’m not sure if this is a permanent trend, but this week also began with an article that is intended to be somewhat motivational on Monday and evolved into an analogy of personal characteristics in an organization on Tuesday. Another recurring topic is on diversity and this week we take a look into exclusion as well as inclusion. Finally, job search advice is given in a general sense to anyone looking to find work and… Read More »Reviewing This Week on Make HR Happen – From the Inspirational To the Practical

Job Seekers: You Need a Pilot for Your Ship

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The concept of a maritime pilot is said to be as old as the sea itself. In ancient Greece, local fishermen would be hired to bring foreign ships safely into port. Modern day pilots serve to facilitate a global shipping trade where local laws and navigation rules could possibly overwhelm a ship’s captain and crew. Instead of risking shipwreck or disaster, they rely on pilot ships to guide them to harbor or actually allow a… Read More »Job Seekers: You Need a Pilot for Your Ship

Artificial Motivation

It is the season to seek justification for our actions even when it is purely emotional rather than logical. We were urged by major box stores that if we didn’t shop on Black Friday then we would lose out on all of the best prices for holiday shopping. Hidden away was that whisper of truth that the hottest shopping days are actually the ten days preceding Christmas when the best deals not only reappear they… Read More »Artificial Motivation

A Tunnel Tutorial for Job Seekers

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In the half-full/half-empty motivational pithy platitude hall of fame is an old saying that we have all heard: The light at the end of the tunnel (signifying the Yay-I’m-Almost-There syndrome) may actually be a train coming toward you (also known as the Oh-Shit-Not-Again syndrome). In the middle of a tunnel you never know exactly where you are located. Motivation to continue is based on the basic survival need that you cannot remain where you are.… Read More »A Tunnel Tutorial for Job Seekers

Job Search and Self Discipline

One of the frustrating things about parenting is walking the tightrope between love and discipline. As many students home for the summer or new grads camping out until they find employment will tell you, parents never seem to get over overparenting. In a classic case of irony, I can remember objecting to overprotective parents and then missing that when I was out on my own. Becoming a parent myself was an eye opener. As if… Read More »Job Search and Self Discipline