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Organizational Development

Reviewing This Week on Make HR Happen – Consulting

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If you advised someone on a strategic new course of action today, you were acting as a consultant. The simplest form of the definition of consultant means to give someone advice. The modern connotation of the word has evolved from a medical term where a consultant was a specialist that could step in and advise a physician when the knowledge required was beyond the scope of a general practitioner. In other context it became a… Read More »Reviewing This Week on Make HR Happen – Consulting

Consultants – Part 4: When Not To Engage

Hiring external expertise to solve problems means making a major commitment to select and utilize this specialized resource. It is not inexpensive. On the occasions where internal consultancy will work just as well, there is probably a greater need for careful consideration before committing resources. Just because such a decision would be utilizing assets already onboard doesn’t mean that it is a sunk cost.  Any diversion of resources from daily operations requires an expenditure of… Read More »Consultants – Part 4: When Not To Engage

Consultants – Part 2: When and How To Engage

There is a time and place for everything. Hiring an external consultancy is no exception. By the very nature of being “external” these consultants bring valuable insight into the company and make solutions happen. They do not perform this function by stepping in and taking charge. They have the expertise to do this, but their value added comes from knowing how to work as a catalyst. They cause results by means of their influence and… Read More »Consultants – Part 2: When and How To Engage

Consultants – Part I: Consultancy Defined

The term “consultant” means different things under different circumstances, but it is generally regarded as a person that is considered to be an expert in some field for which they can be regarded as a professional advisor. While that sounds impressive, they don’t always have the respect of being an expert and many do not act professionally even though they charge for their services. I was told early in my corporate career that a consultant… Read More »Consultants – Part I: Consultancy Defined


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Change is inevitable… except from a vending machine. – Robert C. Gallagher This week touched on various aspects of change. The one thing that is always constant in business as well as life is change. When the winds of change blow, we have two alternatives: to accept the change or resist it. Either can be a right choice. I guess the exact opposite of the blowing winds of change are when things around us suck.… Read More »Change