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Performance Management

Reviewing This Week on Make HR Happen – Watching People Everywhere

If there is a line between stalking and people watching, I probably test those boundaries from time to time. There is a library of characters in my brain, probably for that unwritten great American novel, that grows with every day. This week began with observing how people see different generations. If ageism is alive and well it is probably partially due to how people are perceived by another age group. Next we transitioned into a… Read More »Reviewing This Week on Make HR Happen – Watching People Everywhere

Rewarding Bad Behavior

People-watching gives us a peek into the thoughts of an individual by their actions. Watching groups of people as they interact with each other gives us clues to the culture they are creating among themselves. I have learned to be very cautious about applying the lessons learned in parenting and training pets as a somewhat inadequate solution to solving business problems, but there are some interesting parallels. Children cannot be expected to arrive with a… Read More »Rewarding Bad Behavior

From the Archives of Make HR Happen – Those Times We Bowed to Administrivia

I have been accused of making up the term “administrivia” probably because I have a habit of making up words that are better descriptors of the way things are than the usual boring terms we have learned. Kids are cute when they make up words for things they don’t know or understand, but about the time we give up being cute we also begin to conform to the way everybody else uses words. According to… Read More »From the Archives of Make HR Happen – Those Times We Bowed to Administrivia

Blog Soup – From the Archives of Make HR Happen v.9

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        This is a re-posting of five previous articles from Make HR Happen.           HR, Pop Culture and Bin Laden – Yesterday as I looked over my outline of blog topics and worked on some unfinished drafts, I had no idea that I would be motivated to write about a hot news story this morning. A last minute change in plan will be guaranteed NOT to be an in-depth… Read More »Blog Soup – From the Archives of Make HR Happen v.9

Reviewing This Week on Make HR Happen – December 23 thru December 29, 2012

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  In case you missed this week’s articles, here is a summary: Dec 23 - Blog Soup – From the Archives of Make HR Happen – This is a re-posting of five previous articles from Make HR Happen. – more –         Dec 24 - The Job Seeker’s Guide To The Galaxy And Other Places (Reprise) – There is an often quoted saying that wisdom comes from the mouth of babes. Children don’t have a… Read More »Reviewing This Week on Make HR Happen – December 23 thru December 29, 2012