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Problem Solving

The Lifeboat Game – An Exercise in Ethics

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This article is being reposted from January 11, 2013. It was originally written as advice to job seekers on making an ethical choice in their career. Julian Baggini, co-founder and editor-in-chief of The Philosophers’ Magazine, is quoted as saying: “It may not have the virtuous ring of the golden rule, but the maxim ‘never say never’ is one of the most important in ethics.” A classic exercise used in the classroom for teaching ethics is… Read More »The Lifeboat Game – An Exercise in Ethics

A Discussion of Ethics – Prologue

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Sometimes a discussion on a topic means doing enough research to be able to talk intelligently without looking foolish. I had planned to do a series of articles on Ethics and began reading and collecting data from a lay perspective and not as a scholar. I learned quickly that this word I have used and misused needs to be defined more clearly. Common everyday usage in articles, blog posts, and in social media by most… Read More »A Discussion of Ethics – Prologue

Reviewing This Week on Make HR Happen – Consulting

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If you advised someone on a strategic new course of action today, you were acting as a consultant. The simplest form of the definition of consultant means to give someone advice. The modern connotation of the word has evolved from a medical term where a consultant was a specialist that could step in and advise a physician when the knowledge required was beyond the scope of a general practitioner. In other context it became a… Read More »Reviewing This Week on Make HR Happen – Consulting

Consultants – Part 3: Do It Yourself

There is no stone tablet etched with instructions that you must only go outside of the company walls to find consulting expertise. If the primary reason for hiring external consultancy is to augment company staff or to buffer their workload, logically there could be times that it is perfectly acceptable to turn to in-house talent for implementing change. In fact, several problematic situations can be avoided by use of internal consultants. Institutional knowledge of past… Read More »Consultants – Part 3: Do It Yourself

Consultants – Part 2: When and How To Engage

There is a time and place for everything. Hiring an external consultancy is no exception. By the very nature of being “external” these consultants bring valuable insight into the company and make solutions happen. They do not perform this function by stepping in and taking charge. They have the expertise to do this, but their value added comes from knowing how to work as a catalyst. They cause results by means of their influence and… Read More »Consultants – Part 2: When and How To Engage