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Time Management

Who Is This Guy Snooze?

There are no discoverable historical records about Doctor Snooze, but we do see evidence of his influence. His name is emblazoned on every alarm clock and smartphone in the world. Whoever he was, the damage done by his philosophy of instant gratification by procrastination has become ingrained in our existence. Why bother to be burdened with a commitment to get up in the morning if it is too easy to be tricked into oversleeping? Doctors… Read More »Who Is This Guy Snooze?

Awareness of Time Usage and Personal Decision Making

There are two truisms not usually put together that seem to make perfect sense when accidental usage brings them together. Peter Drucker’s quote, “Time is the scarcest resource and unless it is managed nothing else can be managed,” is one of them. The second Druckerism is, “What gets measured gets managed.” These conjoined ideas result in several misquotes that are nevertheless true, one of which is, “If it’s worth doing, it’s worth measuring.” The focus… Read More »Awareness of Time Usage and Personal Decision Making

Loosening the Life of Lethargy

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Read any motivational book or blog post about accomplishing anything in business or in life and there is probably an underlying assumption that everyone wants to be lively and progressive. Sweet memes are made of this. Is this an unrealistic picture of the people we have become? When there are a gazillion daily temptations toward diversion and recreation we may be seeing a clue that there is a hidden part of us that craves something… Read More »Loosening the Life of Lethargy

From the Archives of Make HR Happen – Those Times We Talked Time

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While we were discussing a list of items for an upcoming shopping expedition, my wife mentioned that we were out of Thyme. I knew we were not in any particular hurry, so at first this was puzzling to me. How can we be out of time already? It is still early and we have all day to get to the store. Nobody values time as I do because I never have enough of it! After… Read More »From the Archives of Make HR Happen – Those Times We Talked Time

Reviewing This Week on Make HR Happen – December 30, 2012 thru January 5, 2013

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  In case you missed this week’s articles, here is a summary: Dec 30 – Blog Soup – From the Archives of Make HR Happen v.9 – This is a re-posting of five previous articles from Make HR Happen. – more –           Dec 30 – When Customer Service Doesn’t Matter – Ah, but you say customer service always matters. Not always. The outward facing image of a company is only… Read More »Reviewing This Week on Make HR Happen – December 30, 2012 thru January 5, 2013