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Reviewing This Week on Make HR Happen – Thinking Outside of the Network

Making a stab at covering all aspects of networking led to a five part series on the topic. Although each article was banging on the gate to be let out into the wild, I tamed them into showing up on five consecutive days… not an easy task. Did I miss anything? My network will probably let me know. I also hope that I unintentionally stole ideas from other people because that proves the point that ultimately networking is three dimensional. It is possible for different people to independently come up with the same ideas and it is networking that helps us to grow. Knowledge is not the property of any one person and become more powerful when it is shared. Sharing networks and the information that comes with it brings it and us to life in a new dimension. Comments are welcome!

Image credit: rtimages / 123RF Stock Photo

April 22 – Networking: Anybody Can Do It with These Dozen Tips- Whether you are in human resources, communications, sales, underemployed or unemployed, you will hear the mantra “Network, network, network!” over and over again. Introverts may recoil with fear and claim that this tactic is not a match for your personality type. More outgoing individuals will dismiss the idea as something that comes naturally to someone with an extraverted personality. You are both wrong. – more –



Apr 23 - Networking: Not Just For Personal Gain – A common misconception is to consider organizations and their components as living, breathing, independently acting beings. The Supreme Court of the US may have granted corporations the same rights as an individual, but they are not able to prescribe how that is supposed to work without human interaction. Without people they would not exist at all. If it is essential for individuals to network to carve out a brand image, how important is it for organizations to network? – more –


Apr 24 - Networking: The Barrier Buster – When we talk about networking, it conjures up a broad foggy blur of reaching out globally to individuals who may have immediate impact on our goals and desires, but for the most part the network is seen to to be a long term sustaining mutual support system. The question occasionally asked about networking is, “What can I do if I need results now?” The obvious, but somewhat unhelpful answer, is that you should have started yesterday.  – more –



Apr 25 - Networking: The Job Search Imperative - So, you think spending a few minutes applying to jobs through a job board is a complete job search plan? Think again. Job boards are still a valuable part of the process, but the usefulness of this approach is trending downward. Three years ago almost 25% of new hires came from the boards, last year it was down to 20% and the latest figures are around 18%. Companies are starting to measure the results of sourcing surveys to allocate resources to the most likely source of a hire. – more –

Apr 26 - Networking: The Future Is Three-Dimensional - The concept of a network usually can be depicted as a two-dimensional representation of interconnected boxes with a person or an organization as the focal point. As a network grows, it spawns sub-networks that sometimes begin a distinctly different offshoot that takes on a life of its own and grows more rapidly than the original network. In other cases, overlapping networks tend to seek common nodes that make them more dynamic and vibrant. – more –




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